The new TV show coming out this fall called "Pure Genius" is about a wealthy Silicon Valley tech genius who...
Science Fiction
The Demon Plague by Joreid McFate is a fantastic paranormal suspense science-fiction novel, involving time-travel and mysticism. This 424 page...
What is nature? = Science wants to understand nature. Therefore it is important, how the word nature is defined: Nature...
Moon Child by author Simone Maroney is a larger sized adventure, fantasy novel with fifty-five chapters. The story line involves...
When talking about the differences in the forms of expressions between eastern and western movies, the most notable feature that...
Have you ever had a phrase running through your mind and couldn't quite remember the exact words or where you...
In his book "Emotional Amoral Egoism: A Neurophilosophical Theory of Human Nature and its Universal Security Implications" the author Nayef...
Find a screenwriter for your movie treatment, screenwriting idea, or rough draft screenplay. If you have a great story filled...
"The year is 2045 A.D., and man has come to the point that he can, and does qualify as tenements...
How do you start writing a novel?The first thing I do is decide the genre and the setting.I suppose you...