Felicitating Education – A Teacher’s Job

Joan S. Reed

From the very old-time the students and teachers have embraced themselves in a dynamic relationship to build up the base of learning. Many say that it is the bond of love, respect and knowledge but it surely depends on both the students and teachers. The association is based on the quality interaction and knowledge sharing between teachers and students. If we track the traditional teaching system and consider the learning as a communication process then the person behind the message will be the teacher and the receiver will be the learners and message will be the knowledge. Now the performance of the students also depends on the act of the teacher as the students get the understanding from the teacher and that gets transmitted in their learning and progress.

A good and effective teacher should be capable to grasp the attention of the students towards learning. To do that the teachers are required to mould the information and present it through an interesting and effective way for them. Now, to keep up a strong connection with the students, the teachers need to possess certain qualities – setting learning goals, classroom management, classroom presentation, developing positive learning environment and proficiency in latest teaching techniques.

A good teacher should always know how to set up some learning objectives before starting the classes. The objectives have to match with the goals and aims of the lesson and the teacher should be able to achieve those objectives within the class. A well-disciplined class room is always favoured by everyone and the onus of keeping a well-organized and disciplined class lies on the shoulders of the teachers along with a proper plan to carry out the lesson properly.

Because of this, classroom management course has become indispensable now a day for the new teachers. Even the experienced teachers have started to take special training in classroom management to develop modern classroom management skills as the behaviour and demands of the students are changing and they need to apply different techniques to organize the modern learners. This course also helps teachers to maintain the discipline and good behaviour in the class and also help the teacher to carry out the class as it should be.

Learning environment development is one of the most important initiatives that a teacher needs to craft as the learning environment helps the students to focus more on learning and also to get rid of the external factors which interrupt learning. It is found that sometimes the outer surrounding is not fitting enough for the students. Apart from the class room interior, a teacher should also try to transform the environment outside the classroom for the students to further their learning in the most suitable way.

As the teacher is the foundation of knowledge so, he/ she must have the thorough knowledge on the subject he/ she is going to deliver and the knowledge should effectively come in help for the students. He/ she must be ready to answer to all the questions crop up in the class so, it is necessary to have compact understanding about the subject of he/ she is teaching in the class. The teacher needs to guarantee that they are meeting the expectations of the students as well as the guardians and fulfilling their requirements.

Teaching is an ever developing job and in order to shape the future minds then a teacher always needs to upgrade her/him. A teacher must learn how to build an interesting surrounding full of choices and activities where intellectual development can spontaneously thrive. The inner distinctness in characteristics between adults and kids claim for different teaching techniques to teach children. In fact there are many specialized courses offered by the teacher training providers to help the teachers like there are courses to felicitate the teachers for individual development and requirement. A teacher needs to see the growth of every student and plan accordingly for their individual development and can always avail modern teachers training course which has been planned for the next-gen teachers.

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