January 12, 2025


Science It Works

Psychokinesis and Other Teen Paranormal Activity

Psychokinesis and Other Teen Paranormal Activity

As a person who teaches about psychic abilities development, often I’m approaches by teenagers and their parents from all around the world. Often, teenagers are sources of many paranormal activities that can be considered psychic. This article is meant to explain some of these weird activities.

Poltergeist Phenomena

One of the most popular supernatural happenings that are related to teenage psychic powers is poltergeist phenomena. The word “poltergeist” originates from German, from two words to be more specific: polter, which means “noisy”, and “geist”, which means ghost. The name is perfect, as poltergeist is a noise ghost indeed. There are at least two theories for this phenomena. One, that it’s a disembodied entity using human agent to cause movement of objects, noises and this kind of things; and second that there’s no entity at all, and everything is caused by the human agent alone.

In both cases, the poltergeist is caused by emotional and psychological problems. And teenagers have a lot of these. Spontaneous psychokinesis as science use to call it. If there’s ghost activity in your house, and you have teenage kids at the same time, this might be it. How to deal with this “problem”? The best thing to do is to visit psychologist and deal with the source – emotional or psychological troubles.

This should end the poltergeist activity once and for all.

Other Teen Paranormal Activity

Kids and teenagers are naturally psychic – at least most of them. Psychokinesis is just one thing. They can see ghost and spirits, and they might experience empathy: sensing emotions of others like their own emotions. They might know things before they happen, they might experience precognitive dreams, perceiving the possible future events.

Experiencing these things is not dangerous for physical health, but emotionally, the teenager might find it difficult to dealt with, especially when he or she have other, more “normal” problems on a daily basis.

This generates many problems. Psychic abilities that are naturally developed will not disappear easily. The teenager might need to learn control, read something about psychic development in order to find means – either to shut the abilities for good, or to achieve control over them and develop them further. Both methods are good.

The best way to help the teenager that experience a lot of paranormal and psychic stuff is to show his or her your understanding. And recommend some reading, get some books, find a psychic to talk with. Things often need to be understood before they can be dealt with.

I hope that helps.