West Chester, PA – Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Secretary Dr. Noe Ortega and Deputy Secretary Dr. Tanya I. Garcia visited West Chester University today and met with the campus president, administrators, students, professors, and staff to discuss campus health and safety measures and the importance of getting the COVID-19 […]
Banks vaccinated for COVID-19 | Health and Science
U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-3rd, has been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, but that doesn’t mean he is pushing his constituents to do the same. “I’m a congressman, not a doctor or a pastor. My constituents don’t elect me to tell them what to do or to preach to them,” […]
Massive Growth in Global Smart Education & Learning Market (With COVID-19 Impact Analysis) Business Growth, Industry Research, Top Key Players Survey- MDA
Global Smart Education & Learning Market Study Emphasizes Key Market Trends Followed Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic Market Data Analytics has published a report on global Smart Education & Learning market in order to provide the crucial market details including market stability, growth rate, and financial fluctuations. The economic gains and […]
Smart Education and Learning Market Size and Growth Opportunities with COVID19 Impact Analysis
Request Download Sample Need of Customization Pricing & Purchase Options Smart Education and Learning Market Size and Forecast 2021-2028 by Verified Market Research specialize in market strategy, market direction, expert opinions, and knowledgeable insight into the global market. The report is a combination of critical information including the competitive landscape; […]
Smart Education Market Size By Application, By End-Use, By Product Research Report, Price Trends, Growth Development, Regional Segmentation, Competitive Industry Share and Forecasts to 2021-2027 with COVID-19 Impact Analysis
“ Report Covers the Detailed Pre and Post COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Smart Education Market This report conducts the global Smart Education market size based on capacity, value, production and consumption data across the region such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. […]
Some Anderson High sports programs suspended due to spike in COVID-19 cases
AUSTIN (KXAN) — After seven new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported at Anderson High School, the Austin Independent School District is suspending some of its sports programs. The district announced Wednesday that all Anderson High junior varsity, freshman and off-season athletic activities will be suspended for at least two […]
SATIRE: UNC Charlotte uses science, logic to combat COVID-19 | Opinion
Author’s note: This is a satire article and does not include accurate information concerning COVID-19. For up-to-date information, visit the Center for Disease Control’s website or check out the Niner Times’ more factual reporting. Unprecedented, uncertain: Both novel words to describe the novel coronavirus. The past year has been a confusing time […]
High school football games changed following positive COVID-19 tests
FRESNO, California (KSEE) – Fresno County is closely monitoring high school contact sports when it comes to COVID-19 transmission, testing to find players who have the virus but do not show symptoms. It has forced some high school football games to be changed due to positive tests. Clovis North was […]
Education shifting from crisis management to recovery as pandemic persists | COVID-19
TRAVERSE CITY — Casey Petz calls March 13, 2020, a “day that will live in infamy” for students, educators and families across Michigan. Petz, the Suttons Bay Public Schools superintendent, and most others did not know that an expected two- to three-week school shutdown would spiral into the rest of […]
How COVID-19 Is Driving Change in Higher Education’s Content Management Needs
PHOTO: Shutterstock The education sector has been one of the most affected by COVID-19 pandemic. It has forced higher education institutions to make unprecedented shifts in the use of technology, especially when it comes to publishing and distributing content to students, faculty, and staff. For most higher education institutions, a […]