May 3, 2024


Science It Works

Set Up Classrooms for Success

Summer is on the way out and classes will be in session soon. Educators have an array of choices when it comes to setting up their classrooms for the school year. New technology and trusty standbys will ensure a fun and educational school year for all.

Back to Basics

Tools for visual learning never go out of style, so take advantage of the multitude of products geared toward easily displayed information. Utilizing dry erase markers is a clean way to introduce concepts and ideas. Markerboards avoid the messiness of chalk and dust, in addition to being simple to clean. They are wallet-friendly and can significantly reduce the amount of paper consumed over the course of the year. Acquiring small boards for individual work is especially helpful when dealing with math or numbers.

Explore With Technology

Computer-aided teaching is now prevalent throughout the world. There is an abundance of jobs waiting for those who are experienced in fields such as CAD, web design and robotics. Giving pupils an opportunity to explore their interests early on can make a lasting impression on them when it comes time for college or tech training. 3D printers provide a solid introduction to design principles and may sharpen team skills. Desktop printing units can be a part of any institution’s budget. The use of laptop computers has also been on the rise and are useful for introducing web design techniques. Students with an eye on employment in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) industries can benefit greatly from receiving early experience with navigating programs related to their field of choice.

Stay Organized

Keep the room organized and running efficiently by implementing accessible storage ideas. For younger kids, a cubby system has always been an easy option for stashing clothing and daily accessories. Try assigning students a shape or color so their designated area is instantly recognizable. At the high school level, a binder system that is located on shelving will arrange assignments and work in progress neatly for convenient access.